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China develops graphene electronic paper

Date: 2016-05-10
Views: 14
  China has developed a new electronic paper, a huge breakthrough that will catapultthe material to a new level.The new material has been heralded as "the world's first graphene electronic paper,"by Chen Yu, general manager of Guangzhou OED Technologies, which developed it inpartnership with a company in Chongqing.Graphene is the world's strongest and lightest known material; a single layer ofgraphene is only 0.335 nanometers thick, and it can conduct heat and electricity. Thematerial can be used to create hard or flexible graphene displays, used in electronicproducts such as e-readers and wearable smart devices.Compared with traditional e-papers, graphene e-paper is more pliable and has moreintensity and its high-light transmittance means optical displays will be muchbrighter.In addition, graphene is derived from carbon, meaning production costs will be muchlower than for traditional e-papers, which use the rare, expensive metal indium.Read more at: thin and printed batteries – a new erafor energy storage

  Cooling graphene-based film close to pilot-scale production
Heat dissipation in electronics and optoelectronics is a severe bottleneck in thefurther development of systems in these fields. To come to grips with this seriousissue, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have developed an efficientway of cooling electronics by using functionalized graphene nanoflakes.The results were published in the renowned journal, Nature Communications."Essentially, we have found a golden key with which to achieve efficient heattransport in electronics and other power devices by using graphene nanoflake-basedfilm. This can open up potential uses of this kind of film in broad areas, and we aregetting closer to pilot-scale production based on this discovery," says Johan Liu,Professor of Electronics Production and Head of the Electronics Materials andSystems Laboratory at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience - MC2 -at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.The researchers studied the heat transfer enhancement of the film with differentfunctionalized amino-based and azide-based silane molecules and found that theheat transfer efficiency of the film can be improved by over 76% by introducingfunctionalization molecules compared to a reference system without the functionallayer.This is mainly because the contact resistance was drastically reduced by introducingthe functionalization molecules. Meanwhile, molecular dynamic simulations and abinitio calculations reveal that the functional layer constrains the cross-planescattering of low-frequency phonons, which in turn enhances in-plane heatconduction of the bonded film by recovering the long flexural phonon lifetime. Theresults suggested potential thermal management solutions for electronic devices. Inthe research, scientists studied a number of molecules that were immobilized at theinterfaces and at the edge of graphene nanoflake-based sheets forming covalentbonds.They also probed interface thermal resistance by using a photo-thermal reflectancemeasurement technique to demonstrate an improved thermal coupling due tofunctionalization. "This is the first time that such systematic research has been done.The present work is much more extensive than previously published results fromseveral involved partners and it covers more functionalization molecules and alsomore extensive direct evidence of the thermal contact resistance measurement,"
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